- Call a friend who's feeling low.
- Make a parent a cup of early morning coffee
- Hold the door for someone who has an armload
- Smile broadly at a passing stranger
- Ask an acquaintance how they are doing, and listen for a real response.
Balance the act with the results
- You've heard the saying, "practice small acts of kindness." A little generosity goes a long way to making you and others feel happier.
- Beware of taking on too much, or you'll risk feeling resentful. When asked a favor, think it over before saying yes.
- Be grateful when thanks come your way, but be satisfied with the effort, even when praise doesn't follow.
Ways to Volunteer
If you like to:
- read... consider volunteering at a school or tutoring program.
- work outdoors... try volunteering to clean up a local park.
- speak another language.... help people who's first language isn't English.
- work with peers... pitch in at the Boys & Girls Club.
- play sports... volunteer as a coach for little kids.
- cook... offer to help out in a kitchen for the homeless, or at a community holiday meal.
- save the world... there are lots of great causes that need volunteers. Show up!
Ask your guidance counselor or community service coordinator what other opportunities there are around your area to contribute time and effort. You might be surprised how good it make you feel!